Innovative Entrepreneurship in Action

eBook - From High-Tech to Digital Entrepreneurship, International Studies in Entrepreneurship

Erschienen am 13.05.2020, Auflage: 1/2020
173,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783030425388
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 5.28 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This book analyses prevailing approaches and policies in innovative entrepreneurship. It explores the ways in which entrepreneurs learn and develop innovation-based businesses to drive increased regional competitiveness. Specifically, the contributions propose that sustainable innovation ecosystems booster innovative entrepreneurship and thus create a competitive advantage for smart and sustainable growth. It also examines the current state of entrepreneurship education, where the development of entrepreneurial abilities is considered a process of value creationboth economic and socialwith the final aim to create both new start-ups and entrepreneurial mind-sets.Featuring theoretical approaches and empirical evidences, this title is appropriate for scholars, academics, students and policy makers in technology and innovation management, economics of innovation and entrepreneurship.


Giuseppina Passiante is Full Professor of Innovation Management and Technology Entrepreneurship at the University of Salento (Italy). Currently her research fields concern Technology Entrepreneurship, and more specifically the experiential learning environment encouraging enterprise and entrepreneurship capabilities, skills and competencies. She is also expert in knowledge-based organizations and local systems, ITs and clusters approach, complexity in economic systems. In these research fields she has published several books and about 100 papers.


Chapter 1. The Genome of Digital Entrepreneurship: A Descriptive Framework.- Chapter 2. Innovation Through Tradition: Leveraging the Past to Face New Challenges.- Chapter 3. Linking Business Model Mapping and Innovation with Intellectual Capital in technological start-ups.- Chapter 4. Facilitating Business startup launch: an interpretative framework based on Project Management.- Chapter 5. Corporate Excelerators: How Organizations can Speed-up Crowdventuring for Exponential Innovation.- Chapter 6. Financing the Development of Technology Startups.- Chapter 7. Entrepreneurability: Innovation Labs as engines of innovation capacity development.- Chapter 8. Circular Economy Innovative Entrepreneurship: a conceptual foundation.- Chapter 9. Encouraging Entrepreneurial Competence development in Italian University students: insights from the Contamination Lab cases.- Chapter 10. Catalyzing innovative entrepreneurship: an Italian case study.- Chapter 11. Supporting Innovative Entrepreneurship in southern Italy: the case of a public private technology district.

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